Tag: Kunst Sammler Frankfurt

Städel Museum presents „The relief“ – time to discover corresponding works within a private collection, frankfurt
„The relief“ – Is it painting or sculpture, surface or space and who are the artists behind these works…

A „Ngil“ Fang Mask, based on traditional gabonese Fang societies early 20th century
Ngil“ Fang Mask, tool of judicial power in traditional gabonese Fang societies until the early 20th century.

kota“shamaye” possibly „sango“ or “sangu”, reliquary figure
A rare “Mbumba Bwiti” reliquary ensemble containing a Kota „Sango“ or „Sangu“ or „Shamaye“ Sculptural element (gardien de reliquaire) from central gabon

New YouTube Video online !
Teil 1 (von 3) Gedanken zum Kunstwochenende „The Frankfurt Art Experience“

Erster Katalog mit Hauptwerken der Sammlung erschienen
First catalog released showing keyworks from the collection